Friday, April 12, 2013

Seven Quick Takes


Timman (Saint Louis Catholic) is reading The Power and the Glory; while Delena (It's on My To-Do List) is not reading The Lord of the Rings (which frankly I never finished, either)...

So of course I must be reading-- or not reading-- something as well!  And I manage to cover both in my approach to Les Miserables. Meaning, that I read it off and on, and am currently stuck in Hugo's multi-chapter discussion of the Paris street urchin. Thus far, Hugo really loves the idea of progress; has a problem with cloistered nuns; and evokes Pope Francis in describing the Bishop Myriel, who (for example) converts his episcopal residence into a hospital for the poor.


At the conference in New Orleans, my husband and I received lots of encouragement regarding our newly-founded historical organization, which we hope will soon launch an e-journal.  I'm a Managing Editor....!  Of something that doesn't yet exist.

(And I'm telling you about it, because telling you will help to motivate me.)


My manuscript revisions are moving at a snail's pace.  (Again, I'm telling you for the sake of shame-based motivation.)


I'd given up coffee for Lent-- and oh my, is it good to have that cup of deep-rich-fragrant comfort once again!  Tea smells nice, and I like tea, but... it just isn't as substantial.  Tea is a beverage; coffee is a meal.


Our two-year-old is having a blast with a few of Delena's printouts!  And while of course she needs help to work them (drawing and tracing are not her strengths right now), I'm amazed at how well she grasps some of the concepts.  

Overall, a worksheet can keep us both pleasantly busy-- and focused-- for longer than I thought possible at this flighty, fidgety age.  Thanks, Delena!


Oh yes, and may I brag a little (more)?  I mean, I have to make the most of these encouraging moments, right?  Especially since I'd worried that our evening "family prayer" time was an absolute shambles  (you'll see the connection in a sec)...

Our two-year-old has astonished me with plausible renditions of the Our Father and Hail Mary!  True, they consisted only of a few key words and phrases, connected by well-inflected gabble-- but you could recognize the prayer.  Really recognize it!!

And I'd thought she wasn't listening.


It's (finally) occurred to me that this blog needs more photos.  I'll get on that.... Someday.

Thanks for indulging me-- and have a great weekend!!

PS: "Quick Takes" are hosted at Camp Patton.

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