Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thrilling and overwhelming

Two weeks ago an academic publisher-- one well respected in the field of Catholic history-- contacted me to inquire about my dissertation manuscript. Would I consider rewriting it as a book?

(Oh, wouldn't I!)

After a few emails back and forth, we settled on a tentative schedule:  I have until the end of next Spring to put my text in order, at which point it will be submitted for peer review and-- assuming it passes-- then to the board of editors for approval.

Thrilling, no??  I was all aglow for days, and my ego still hasn't recovered (as my husband can confirm)!

But now (reality check) there's a scheduling challenge ahead:  Where to find the time, without shortchanging our little girls or driving my husband insane? Luckily, I know of a teenager down the street who might be willing to babysit for a few hours each week, but... in the end I know that I'll be forced to take an extreme measure:

Getting up early.

(PS:  I'll let you know how that goes.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think this is absolutely awesome! Congratulations! I'd say you have every reason to not let your ego recover . . . at least for a while!!
